DIY Mounting Snow White® Inlines
If you have never mounted inline, ice or roller skates, we recommend that you get a mounting referral from your coach, contact us at Sk8gear or see your skating center pro shop. Any of these resources will provide you with more information and can usually provide satisfactory mounting and assembly services on site or by referral at a reasonable price.
Mounting your Snow White® inline frames is not difficult using the hardware provided with each frame set. This guide was developed using a combination of manufacturer's and customer's information. If you have ice skates, you can use them as a model for placement. Do not use quad roller skate mounting as a placement model. If you have any special needs when installing plates or blades, be sure to consult your coach or equipment specialist before mounting.
This method will work for STD Starlight inline frames, too.
Felt-tip marking pen
Ruler or straight edge
Hand held electric drill
Phillips screw driver
Snow White or Starlight frames
Hardware included with frames

1. Center line heel marking
Your skating boot sole is not symmetrical. Begin by marking the center of the heel by eye with a felt-tip pen.

2. Center line toe marking
Then use the center of the toe instead of the boot seam to mark the center front, since the seam may be pulled slightly to one side in construction.

3. Use ice frame alignments
This Snow White® plate alignment follows the guideline of ice figure skates. Please do not use quad skates alignment patterns.
If your ankles don't pronate, it won't be necessary to position the front of the plate inside the red center line! Instead, you should align the center of front plate with the red center line. Sometimes an alignment with 2-3mm toward outside edge may work better.

4. Rear heel hole
Next, drill the rear heel hole only and set the screw very loosely. Use the 5/8" screws for the rear support platform.

5. Position front toe holes
Try different positions on the front toe until you are satisfied, and mark each hole position through the plate with your felt-tip pen.

6. Complete pre-drilling
Remove the plate and finish pre-drilling all of the starter holes. Be sure to drill only half the length of the screws to get the tightest grip possible when attaching the plate to the sole. We suggest a 2.5mm drill bit for starter hole drilling.

7. Hand tighten threads
Lightly tighten the screws by hand one-by-one to tighten them all uniformly. Using the 1/2" screws for the front support flanges and remaining 5/8" screws for the rear support platform.

8. Finish tightening screws
Use a screw driver to finish tightening each screw. Be careful not to over-tighten or compromise the grip of the threads. After your frame is secure, you can complete your skate assembly.